316 Chipili Drive Northbrook, IL 60062 847.272.1244 |
Journal Ads
Journal advertising...the broadest reach promotional vehicle in print advertising. The goal is to stop the eyes as they browse through a magazine and use your headline to quickly communicate your best message. Once your graphic and headline capture attention, body copy will often fill in the details.
Journal ads come in all shapes and flavors depending on budget and the number of books planned for insertions. The following examples show:
- A 4 color one page ad announcing a new trading company opening their offices in Chicago - the heart of the commodity and futures trading business.
- A 4 color one page ad promoting a company's full range of capabilities
- An ad that does double duty...it informs as well as providing the opportunity to order.
- A series of two color ads that demonstratie what can be done on a lesser budget to an industrial based target audience. Ads were created with a similar graphic treatment. As a result, when the ads were place in several different magazines reaching the same target audiance, there was the overall impression of a much larger advertising program than the client actually ran.
Company Introductory Ad |
Company Capabilities Ad |
Inform and ORDER ad |
Series of 2 color ads

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